Baroness Hanham praises Wiltshire Council for saving £85 million on council facilities
Baroness Hanham praised the efforts made by Wiltshire Council to manage their assets and save Council Tax payers' money.

Baroness Hanham unveils a comemorative plaque with Christine Crisp, Wiltshire Council chairman, and Jane Scott, Wiltshire Council leader.
The County Hall refurbishment is part of a major transformation programme that will save £85 million over the next 20 years by rationalising the number of buildings used by the council.
As part of the official opening, the minister was taken on a tour of the new office building redesigned to make the best use of office space and the state of the art library, which has already seen over 1,000 visitors in 7 weeks.
Also at the opening ceremony were Olympic kayak gold medallist, Ed McKeever and Paralympic swimming silver medallists Aaron Morres and Stephanie Milward. Local torchbearers and games makers also attended the community event.
Local Government Minister Baroness Hanham said:
“In the past 2 years I have worked closely with local authorities to encourage them, together with other local public bodies, to have a programme of asset management. Wiltshire Council has made significant progress with this and I am delighted to be able to see their innovative approach today at first hand. This will save Wiltshire’s Council Tax payers at least £85 million. As two-thirds of all public sector assets are owned by councils, if they all followed this example it could potentially save billions of pounds, as well as making better use of public assets and improving services for local residents.”