BEIS and Welsh Government open geological disposal consultations
The consultations will explore views on planning and selecting a site for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) in partnership with willing host communities.

A Geological Disposal Facility (GDF)
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), covering England and Northern Ireland, and the Welsh Government, today opened separate consultations which will enable stakeholders and members of the public to help shape policies on the geological disposal programme – the draft Working with Communities policy and the draft National Policy Statement.
Geological disposal involves isolating radioactive waste in a highly-engineered facility deep underground and within multiple protective barriers, to ensure that no harmful quantities of radioactivity ever reach the surface environment. Across the world, geological disposal, preceded by safe and secure interim storage, is acknowledged as the best solution for managing higher-activity radioactive wastes in the long-term.
The consultations will explore views on the approach to planning and selecting a site for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) in partnership with potential willing host communities.
Ann McCall, Radioactive Waste Management’s (RWM) GDF Siting and Engagement Director, said:
Geological disposal will provide a safe, secure and long-term solution to managing the UK’s radioactive waste, and RWM welcomes the public consultations launched today which place communities at the heart of the process. As the delivery body for geological disposal, we are eager to hear people’s views on how we can work with communities to progress this important programme on behalf of society.
You can have your say on the draft policies by responding directly to BEIS or Welsh Government through their dedicated consultation websites. If you are resident in England or Northern Ireland you can participate by visiting the BEIS consultations portal. For Welsh residents, please visit the Welsh Government consultations portal. The consultations will be open for 12 weeks.