News story

BIS capability action plan published

BIS has published its capability action plan, following a review of departmental work.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The BIS capability action plan (PDF, 582 Kb) outlines the department’s key challenges, explaining its complex policy environment, and the background of a challenging economic climate and reduced budgets.

The action plan shows how the department is succeeding in delivering on the government’s key growth priorities. It is engaging staff through a complex period of change with a strong commitment to increasing capability.

The action plan also shows how the department needs to improve. For example, the department needs to continue to keep a tight focus on performance management.

Martin Donnelly, Permanent Secretary at the Department for Business, said:

“This Capability Assessment is good news. It shows that we are delivering on the government’s key growth priorities during challenging economic times; building our links with staff through a complex period of change; and that we are committed to increasing our all-round capability.

“There is more to do, and no room for complacency. We know that we need to improve the way we express the BIS vision, both within and outside the department, and we need to prioritise more systematically to support delivery of our objectives. I am confident that our staff have the professionalism, expertise and commitment to make BIS even more effective in future.”

Julia King, BIS Non-Executive Director, said:

“The Review highlights a focus on continuous improvement, noting that BIS has developed a range of strategies and plans to address areas of weakness. In doing this the team are building on a strong track record of effective delivery through a time of both external change and internal restructuring. I am confident that the department will continue to address its challenges with energy, developing a clear articulation of what success looks like, and prioritising actions to achieve this. I look forward to helping it to do so.”

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Published 30 March 2012