News story

BIS response to House of Commons BIS Select Committee report, Government Reform of Higher Education

Commenting on the report by the House of Commons BIS Select Committee, Government Reform of Higher Education, Minister for Universities and …

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Commenting on the report by the House of Commons BIS Select Committee, Government Reform of Higher Education, Minister for Universities and Science David Willetts said:

“We are putting student choice at the heart of our higher education system. We welcome the Committee’s acknowledgement of the strengths of the Government’s reforms, such as better information for students, extension of tuition loans to part-time students, and a clear emphasis on widening participation.

“We have told universities to be much more ambitious with their plans for attracting people from low income backgrounds. University investment in programmes such as summer schools, scholarships and fee waivers will increase significantly.

“No student should be put off from going to university because they don’t know the facts about our student finance reforms. We have a team of recent graduates touring schools and colleges across the country to help students and parents understand the changes to student finance.

“We have to get on with ending the present system of setting quotas of places at each University because it lets students down.”

Notes to Editors

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Published 10 November 2011