News story

Bookings open for the PHE annual conference 10-11 September 2013

The conference brings together those working in public health from government, academia, industry, the voluntary and community sector, the NHS and internationally.

Well baby checkup, courtesy NHS

Well baby checkup, courtesy NHS

The Public Health England Annual Conference 2013 is taking place Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September at Warwick University.

Five parallel tracks of sessions run on both days and concurrent sessions enable participants to create their own schedule and make the most of their time at the conference:

  • improving the wider determinants of health

  • health improvement

  • health protection

  • healthcare public health and preventing premature mortality

  • emergencies, global health, workforce development

Visit the conference programme page to see initial information about the topics - details with speakers, presentation titles and abstracts are still to come.

Abstract submissions invited by 3 May 2013

Abstracts on new research and developments in practice are invited for submission by 3 May 2013 for potential oral or poster presentation at the conference. Please visit the conference website for details of the abstract categories and how to submit an abstract online.

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Published 18 April 2013