Bristol seminar: Effective commissioning in a devolved landscape: an NAO perspective (13 Sept 2016)
Aileen Murphie, Director at the NAO outlined how commissioning can be effective in a changing landscape

Aileen Murphie, Director, DCLG & Local government value for money, National Audit Office
In today’s uncertain future one thing we can all be sure of is that local services face reducing resources, together with upward demographic, workload and service pressures. Another certainty is continuing reform and restructuring affecting most, if not all, sectors. As powers and funding are devolved, will this enable people at the front line to shape more effective services, improve outcomes and value for money?
In this free seminar Aileen Murphie, Director at the NAO outlined how commissioning can be effective in a changing landscape and help to shape public services around the needs of the individual.