Bristol seminar: Reframing the commissioning of services for child sexual abuse (29 Feb 2016)
In this free seminar Dr McCartan will discuss how reframing the commissioning of services for child sexual abuse could look using a public health approach.

Dr Kieran McCartan
Associate Professor in Criminology, University of the West of England
For over two decades research and practice have highlighted some of the long term impacts of child sexual abuse, including emotional, psychological, physical, financial and cultural issues; but what has not really changed over the years is the approach that is taken to child sexual abuse. A growing body of research and practice is indicating that a public health, preventive approach should be considered, whilst also using a criminal justice approach when necessary.
In this free seminar Kieran explained what a public health approach looks like and offered examples of it in action. He also explored some of the pros and cons of this approach and discussed the need for successful multi-agency collaboration and commissioning of services to help achieve it.
Please see the attached seminar presentation for further information.