News story

Bristol seminar: We need to talk about Women

Sonia Crozier, Exec Director of Women & Probation, HM Prison and Probation Service discussed women and girls and how prisons and probation can work together.

Tuesday, 17 April, 2018

featured Sonia Crozier I Executive Director for Probation and Women I HM Prison and Probation Service

Women currently make up around 5% of the prison population in England and Wales, with their numbers around 4000 since 2013. With the majority of offenders being male, are the needs of women in prison and in the community being sufficiently addressed in order to promote their effective rehabilitation?

In this free seminar Sonia, who is responsible for women offenders in prisons and probation, set out what we know about women and girls and talk about how prisons and probation can work together with this often vulnerable and challenging group of offenders. Sonia also talked about the Victim Contact Scheme for which she has responsibility and the important work of the National Probation Service with the victims of serious crime.

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Published 16 March 2018