British charity is GREAT!
The British Ambassador Mr Phil Batson, attended the launch of the new centre for children with disabilities ''Tony Hawks Centre''.
![Tony Hawks Centre](
The British Ambassador Mr Phil Batson attending the launch of the "Tony Hawks Centre".
On 26 September Ambassador Batson, attended the “soft” launch of the new purpose-built Tony Hawks centre for children from socially vulnerable families with chronic conditions.
The centre is the product of a Moldovan-British relationship that began life through an eccentric bet made in 1998 by a British comedian and writer, Tony Hawks, to play the Moldovan national football team at tennis. That bet brought him to the doors of Diana and Gregorie Covalciuc in Chisinau and within two years Diana (with help from Tony and ChildAid) had opened the Hippocrates Children’s Centre for children with chronic conditions such as cerebral palsy. And now, 15 years after Tony’s first visit to Moldova, and thanks to the dedication of Diana and her team, we see the fruits of their endeavours.
The “soft” launch marks the end of Phase 1 of the build which means that the ground floor of the centre is now open with a music room, sensory room and painting room as well as increased office space. Phase 2 (second floor) offering more facilities is scheduled for completion in May 2014. Find out how you can contribute to the fundraising for Phase 2.