British Embassy, AstraZeneca support young Egyptians to create innovative medical solutions
The British Embassy and British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca are sponsor eleven Egyptians to visit the AstraZeneca research & development labs in the UK.

The British Embassy in Cairo and leading British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca are sponsoring eleven Egyptians to travel to the UK to visit the research and development labs of AstraZeneca in Cambridge.
The partnership between the British Embassy and AstraZeneca is designed to encourage young Egyptian graduates in the faculties of Pharmacy and Medicine to develop innovative digital solutions that will better serve Egyptians in several medical fields, including diabetes and oncology. As part of the initiative, known as ‘Astrafekra’, recent graduates have been invited to pitch their ideas to a panel.
The winners will get the chance to explore state-of-the-art labs, and talk to world-renown scientists to help them develop innovative and cutting-edge medical solutions that will benefit Egyptians.
British Ambassador to Egypt Sir Geoffrey Adams said:
The UK is well-known for its exceptional healthcare system and world-class medical research. Our support for this project reflects our wider commitment to share British expertise in pivotal sectors like health and education. I am proud we are supporting young Egyptians to think innovatively as they work on life-changing medical discoveries that will benefit all Egyptians.
The Embassy’s support is part of its ‘Inspire Egypt’ programme, which aims to invest in the potential of Egyptians from all walks of life in order to make a positive difference. Through the programme, the embassy has held a series of events, workshops, activities and competitions to celebrate and encourage successful Egyptians innovating in fields including healthcare, education, entrepreneurship, and many others.