World news story

British Embassy in Lima: call for proposals 2018

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s programme funds seek to create real, measurable outcomes in support of the FCO’s policy goals.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

Local and international organisations are invited to submit proposals for projects on British Embassy priorities in Peru. Deadline: 18 June 2018, 12 noon Peruvian time.

For the following areas, we are inviting proposals for projects of up to £50,000 (S/.200, 000). Organisations can submit more than one proposal.

1. Women and girls

The UK is committed to eliminating all forms of gender inequality and the British government believes girls and women should be treated equally, be empowered, and be safe.

We are concerned that more than two-thirds of Peruvian women report having been subject to physical, sexual or psychological abuse and Lima is rated the most dangerous city in Latin America for women and fifth in the world.

We are interested in innovative projects that:

a) promote women’s empowerment by eliminating educational and economic barriers that hold them back and prevent them from reaching leadership and influence.

For example, projects that promote access to finance or employment opportunities; initiatives to promote non-traditional career choices or increase women’s participation in political spheres; projects to reduce teenage pregnancies or promote re-insertion in school.

b) promote gender equality, challenging and tackling social norms, traditions and gender stereotypes.

For example interventions in schools to educate children or adolescents and the educational community about gender equality and healthy relationships; work with media or through communication campaigns, arts or sports to challenge stereotypes.

c) keep women and girls safe and reduce gender-based violence.

For example, initiatives related to improving police response to victims, early interventions and realistic risk assessments; use of technology to disrupt and deter perpetrators; improved legislation around violence-related crimes.

Scalable community- based projects with a holistic approach (working with men and women/girls and boys) are desirable.

2. Modern Slavery

Tackling human trafficking and modern slavery is a top priority for the British Government. Peru recently endorsed the UK call to action to end Forced Labour, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

We are keen to support the Peruvian Government in its efforts to reduce all forms of modern slavery and look to support projects related to:

a) The implementation of a new performance and result-based system to deliver the Peruvian Government’s National Action Plan against Human Trafficking and reduce the prevalence of modern slavery.

The implementer should have proven experience with setting up performance based systems in governments.The proposal should include training in innovative methods for delivering results and improve accountability, the use of key performance indicators and performance management to secure programme sustainability. The performance-based system should contribute to a shift in focus from planning to implementation of policies.

b) The implementation of a pilot project to achieve best evidence in cases of modern slavery. The project must apply the use of mobile kits to interview victims or witnesses in different regions of Peru and train officials in its use. Previous experience in working with governments is desirable.

3. Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights

The UK has been involved in the Voluntary Principles internationally since they were established in 2000. This year, the UK is Chair of the Voluntary Principles Working Group.

We are interested in projects to support the implementation of the Voluntary Principles, building on the existing plenary meetings in Peru to:

a) develop new methodologies for risk assessments to prevent and reduce social conflict and

b) develop innovative communication channels between local communities and industry on security for extractive and energy projects

For the following areas we are inviting proposals for activities of up to £10,000 (S/.40,000). Organisations can submit more than one proposal and separate activities can be linked.

4. Illegal Wildlife Trade

Tackling illegal wildlife trade globally is a priority for the British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson.n On his recent visit to Peru, he saw some of the efforts being made in Peru to tackle this problem.

We are interested in supporting the implementation of the Peruvian National Strategy to Reduce Illegal Wildlife Trade in three areas:

a) identifying the supply and demand of wild species in Peruvian regions where the level of illegal wildlife trade is high and solutions to the problem

b) raising awareness of illegal wildlife trade in Peru using innovative methods

c) strengthening capacity in national institutions responsible for law enforcement and control of illegal wildlife trade

5. Environment

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Peru is the third most vulnerable country to climate change. This has and will continue to affect the Peruvian economy and we aim to support Peruvian government to build sustainable, clean and inclusive growth with UK expertise.

We are interested in supporting activities that support the implementation of the National Climate Change Law and developing Peru’s green finance market.

6. Improving the Business Environment

Peru has progressively improved its business environment over the last decade, however several issues remain. Increasing transparency in government procurement processes is essential for fighting corruption and fostering sustainable development.

We are interested in supporting activities that:

a) identify roadblocks and bottlenecks that prevent transparent and efficient government procurement processes

b) identify best practices in other countries which might be implemented in Peru

c) support the creation of policy, regulatory and legislative frameworks conducive to more transparent and efficient procurement processes

Informality is another major issue faced by government and citizens and creates a barrier to tax collection, private investment, and consumer protection.

We are interested in supporting activities that:

a) support the creation of policy, regulatory and legislative frameworks conducive to processes that encourages formalisation, especially in the mining sector

b) propose measurable and inclusive solutions for fighting illegal mining through formalisation in a specific region

c) design partnerships with legal mining companies and the Peruvian government in order to create a sustainable business model for former illegal miners

Companies in Peru face inefficient protection of intellectual property rights.

We are interested in supporting activities that:

a) propose innovative mechanisms for fighting counterfeiting, especially in the retail and healthcare sectors

b) support the creation of policy, regulatory and legislative frameworks conducive to protecting IP rights

How to bid

The British Embassy looks to fund practical and high-impact projects. Proposals focusing purely on research, analysis, reports, seminars or workshops will not be successful unless they lead to a specific and measurable outcome or behavioural change.

We are looking for projects that can be set up in July 2018 and which will be complete by March 2019. Implementers should spend 85% of the project cost by December 2018.

Proposals must be submitted on the authorised forms and include an activity based budget (ABB). There are separate forms for projects up to £50,000 and activities of £10,000 or less and for the ABB.

Value for money is an important selection criteria and if you do not submit a detailed ABB then your proposal will not be considered.

Proposals must be submitted in English to the email address: Please use a clear title. The deadline for submission is 18 June 2018, 12-noon Peruvian time.

Successful implementers will be contacted by email. If you have not heard from us by 28 June, your proposal has not been successful. We are not able to provide feedback on unsuccessful proposals.

What to include in the bid form?

  • overview of project or activity
  • how it fits with the UK’s approach to the relevant priority; and why the UK should fund the project or activity
  • how the project or activity will create an impact and lead to change
  • rationale – including why the project or activity should take place now
  • where relevant, evidence of support from Peruvian government actors for the project or activity and that it complements their own strategy
  • information about how the impact will be sustained after the project or activity has been completed

Indicative timetable (subject to change)

Dates Activities
18 June 2018, 12 noon Peruvian time Deadline to submit proposals
28 June 2018 British Embassy Lima email notification to implementers with results
1 July 2018 Contracts and financial arrangements begin. This includes due diligence checks on successful implementers, including financial and governance checks.
July 2018 – dependent on completion of administrative processes Start of projects and activities

Documents for downloading

Activity Based Budget (ABB) (48.5 KB) Value for money and budgeting guidance (MS Word Document, 29.3 KB) Proposals between £10k and £80k (MS Word Document, 295 KB) Proposals under £10k (MS Word Document, 254 KB)

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Published 7 June 2018