British Embassy Riyadh's Photo Competition
British Embassy Riyadh launches a photography competition to search for the best image which demonstrates the friendship between UK and Saudi Arabia

HMA in Saudi Arabia, Sir John Jenkins, with a Saudi Arda group
To promote values of friendship between two countries, the British Embassy in Saudi Arabia announces a competition to search for the best images which demonstrate the friendship between UK and Saudi Arabia.
We invite professional and amateur photographers and digital artists to submit images that demonstrate the friendship between UK and Saudi Arabia. We are looking for a broad range of images that are creative, positive and of good quality. These might show a personal friendship, or demonstrate an ongoing cultural link between the UK and Saudi Arabia.
The deadline for entries is October 26, 2013. The winner will be decided by a jury of embassy staff and notified by an email. The winning entry will be featured in Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s leading national daily. The picture will also be framed and displayed at the Embassy reception in Riyadh.
To submit your photographs/images please send an email to: Make sure to include this information in your email:
Your Name:
Contact details:
We look forward to receiving your entries.
Selected photographs will be available for viewing on the British Embassy Riyadh Facebook page and Twitter account (@ukinsaudiarabia using #saudiukpic). Visitors to the page will have the opportunity to express views on the best photograph, but a jury of embassy staff will make the final decision on the best photograph. This will be conclusive and no appeals will be entertained.
In entering this competition participants agree to waive copyright to allow the FCO to use your image without restrictions, although credit will be given where appropriate. The British Embassy will own the copyright of all photos submitted and will be free to use them on their websites and publications without reference or any compensation, permission or notification to the contestant or any third party.