British Embassy Santo Domingo: call for bids 2021/2022
The call for bids that directly support open societies, COVID-19 response, and climate change and biodiversity is now open. Deadline is 15 August 2021.

The British Embassy Santo Domingo is now accepting project proposals for the 2021/2022 financial year from not-for-profit organizations, civil society, multilateral organisations and the partner government that directly support the following thematic areas:
- Open societies (democracy, human rights, media freedom)
- Climate and biodiversity
- COVID-19 response, recovery and health security
This project funding facilitates adaptive, short-term projects that respond to specific policy outcomes, influence policies and create networks that open opportunities for further engagement and diplomacy.
We are particularly interested in short-term interventions in the following specific areas
This year, the British Embassy is seeking to support activities in the range of DOP 285,000 and DOP 569,000.00, or equivalent in USD, that deliver real, measurable outcomes in support of socio-economic growth and development of the Dominican Republic focusing on the following themes:
Prevention of child exploitation and abuse, girls’ education and gender equality
In particular, projects aiming to tackle the sexual abuse and exploitation of children, to address teenage pregnancy, or to raise awareness of women’s reproductive rights, including, but not limited, to public campaigns and events, workshops, conferences, school and mobile teaching.
Climate change and green finance
Projects related to climate change and tackling green issues through education, training, campaigns, public awareness raising, and other initiatives related to the causes and impacts of climate change.
These projects can revolve around subjects like the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), biodiversity loss/deforestation, oceans preservation, renewable energies and the reduction of single use plastic.
In this category, we are also looking for projects that focus on Green Finance (Sustainable Finance, Green Bonds, Blue Bonds, among others) be it through training, workshops and conferences. We will particularly welcome proposals that are linked to or build around COP26 (UN Climate Change Summit) and its objectives.
Media freedom
We are looking for projects that will help promote and/or strengthen media freedom through targeted training and workshops. Projects in this category can include inviting journalism experts from the UK to the Dominican Republic.
We welcome projects by Dominican journalists who have identified short-term, focused training opportunities or conferences related to journalism in the UK.
Innovative technologies, cyber security and artificial intelligence
In particular, we are seeking projects such as workshops, conferences or training seeking to support the socio-economic growth and development of the Dominican Republic through the application of new technologies, cyber security and artificial intelligence.
Including but not limited to digitalisation on government services and information and improving the quality of and access to government national statistics/information.
Human rights, rule of law and democracy
In particular, strengthening democratic governance and rule of law; increasing equality and reducing violence and discrimination against women and vulnerable groups such as the LGBTQI+ community; raising awareness on border migration and tackling modern slavery.
COVID-19 response, recovery and health security
In particular, supporting inclusive, green sustainable economic recovery and growth after the impacts of the pandemic and supporting data-driven initiatives to tackle COVID-19 or aid relief for COVID-19 humanitarian crisis.
We are unable to support proposals that involve:
- procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), oxygen-related equipment (e.g. ventilators and respirators), diagnostic tests/materials and COVID-19-related medicines
- purchase or maintenance of any IT and other equipment
- direct cash transfers to vulnerable individuals or families
- activities which are not aligned with the Paris Agreement on climate change
- exploitation of adult workers or employment of children
- luxury goods (incl. alcohol, tobacco, fur skins, pearls and precious and semi-precious stones)
- drugs not on the World Health Organization Essential Drugs List (with limited exceptions)
- pesticides, unless agreed by a Climate and Environment Adviser. The UK is a signatory to the Stockholm Convention that seeks to eliminate 12 persistent organic pollutants
- chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The UK is a party to the Montreal Protocol and the substances currently controlled by the Protocol may not be supplied under the aid programme
- tobacco. For any purpose that identifiably supports the tobacco sector, including the agricultural production and processing. General agricultural inputs, such as fertilisers can still be funded if the tobacco sector is not an identifiable consumer
- any relationship, financial, programmatic or bilateral with Breast Milk Substitute manufacturers that violate the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes. FCDO may on a case-by-case basis engage with these companies in multilateral or multi-donor funded programmes or initiatives, if approved by the relevant Director General
Bid guidance
Proposals can be submitted in United States Dollars (USD) or Dominican Pesos (DOP) currencies.
Project proposals must be submitted using the Activity Bid Form below. Projects are funded under a reimbursement scheme for a single financial year, with no expectation of continued funding beyond this period.
Project must be completed by 31 January 2022. Projects with finishing dates of 31 January 2021 can be considered as long as 85% of the budget is executed by 15 November 2021.
Bids will be assessed against the following criteria:
- alignment with the above thematic priorities and outcomes
- outcomes are achievable within the funding period and sustainable after the funding ends
- project design which includes clear monitoring and evaluation procedures
- proposal includes identified risks and planned mitigation
- demonstrated value for money in the activity based budget
- the organisation’s safeguarding policies that ensure protection of beneficiaries
Official Development Assistance (ODA)
All expenditures must qualify as ODA eligible. ODA is a term created by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This term serves as a measurement of international aid. ODA projects have, as a primary objective, the promotion of economic development and welfare.
Project proposals must be received by 23:55 (Santo Domingo time) on Sunday 15 August. Any proposals received in a format different to the one requested, in a language other than English, or submitted after the set date and time will not be considered
Proposals must be submitted using the attached forms only. (Project Proposal and Activity Based Budget)
The Activity Based Budget needs to be in the same currency as the bank account where funds reimbursements are to be received
Proposals must be submitted to In the subject, you must include: FCO Programme Funds 2021-2022, followed by the name of your organisation
Proposals selected for further consideration will be notified by the end of August 2021. If you are not contacted by this date, the Embassy has decided not to pursue your proposal. Due to the high number of bids we receive, we are unable to provide feedback to unsuccessful bids
The British Embassy Santo Domingo aims to sign grant agreements or memorandums of understanding (MoU) with successful project implementers by Friday 3 September and to begin activities immediately after signing the agreement/MoU
Important milestones
Date | Activity |
15 August 2021 (11:55 PM DR Time) | call for bids closes |
End of August | confirmation to successful participants |
Friday 3 September 2021 | grant agreements/MoUs signed |
Early September 2021 | projects initiate |
15 November 2021 | projects must reach a minimum 85% spend |
31 January 2022 | projects must reach 100% spend, activities must have been completed and Project Completion Report (PCR) submitted |
Additional information and documentation
All implementers will be expected to sign a standard FCDO contract, grant agreement or MoU with the Embassy. The terms of the contract or agreement are not negotiable.