World news story

British Vice Consulate Algarve community events

Vice Consulate in Portimão is organising 3 “Consular One Stop Shop” events. Next event on 2 April at the Municipal Library in Tavira

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Consulate community events

Carrying on from our “Consulate in the Community” events last year, the British Vice Consulate in Portimão is organising 3 consular events, entitled “Consular One Stop Shop”, in March and April this year.

Consular representatives have teamed up with Segurança Social (Social Security), IMT (DVLA equivalent), SEF (Immigration Police), ARS (Regional Health Authority), Santa Casa de Misericordia (charity), AFPOP, CIMAAL (Consumer Dispute Resolution Centre), the Royal British Legion and three Town Halls Faro, Portimão and Tavira to create 3 one-stop-shop events for the community. Representatives from the different authorities will be able to provide a wealth of information aimed at helping local foreign residents be better acquainted with the services they provide. There will also be a number of charities and associations present who will give information about their services. These events are intended to help foreign residents understand what is available to them in Portugal, and also to help the authorities understand any challenges there may be in providing assistance to non-Portuguese residents.

Attendance is free and you will be able to circulate around the various entities to obtain the information and advice you seek directly from them.

The events will start at 4pm when Clive Jewell, Vice Consul, will introduce the organisations present, and will finish at 6pm.

The events will be held on:

  • 12 March at the Loja do Cidadão, Mercado Municipal in Faro
  • 19 March at the TEMPO Theatre in Portimão
  • 2 April at the Municipal Library in Tavira

You can register for these events by emailing or by calling 808 20 3537 extension 8601-0758

We look forward to seeing you there.

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Published 18 February 2014
Last updated 7 March 2014 + show all updates
  1. News article changed in order to highlight 12 March date on home page summary.

  2. First published.