Brokenshire’s 100th day as Secretary of State
James Brokenshire looks back at his first 100 days as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

Today marks Rt Hon James Brokenshire’s 100th day as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Reflecting on his first hundred days, Mr Brokenshire has spoken of his confidence in building a Northern Ireland that works for everyone.

The Secretary of State said:
During my first one hundred days I have valued the opportunity to get out across Northern Ireland to listen to people about their hopes and ambitions for the future and the opportunities we have. Whether it’s talking to companies as part of the work of my Business Advisory Group, holding numerous meetings with political leaders, or exploring the sheer natural beauty and splendour, I am in no doubt about the huge potential we have and my role in being a champion for Northern Ireland.
It’s hugely gratifying to see unemployment at its lowest level since 2008. 64,000 more people are in a job than in 2010. This underlines the positive impact of this Government’s economic policies as we now work to chart a bright future for Northern Ireland inside the UK but outside the EU.
I was pleased to sign the landmark treaty with the Republic of Ireland to establish the new Independent Reporting Commission to strengthen work to combat paramilitary activity. I want to see this new body in place by the end of the year.
What’s clear is that Northern Ireland has huge strengths as a great place to live, to work, to visit, to invest and do business. So the foundations are firm as the UK Government continues to build a Northern Ireland that works for everyone.