Cabinet Office launches £1 million fund to support family carers
Inspiring social action projects that support unpaid family carers will be helped to grow through a new fund worth up to £1 million.

The Carers Social Action Support Fund is accepting applications up to 22 October from organisations with plans to expand or develop ambitious social action projects that will help to improve the lives of carers. These are individuals who look after, unpaid, a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
How to apply
Download the application form and send your completed form to by midday on Wednesday 22 October.
Minister for Civil Society Brooks Newmark said:
There are 5.4 million carers in England and 1 in 3 of us will become a carer at some point in our lives.
The new Carers Social Action Support Fund will enable organisations to harness the power of social action to support people who carry out this incredibly important role.
I urge relevant organisations looking to build on, or adapt, inspiring social action projects for carers to apply.
The Carers Social Action Support Fund is open to applications from the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, public bodies and businesses either with a social mission or a clear objective in their corporate social responsibility policy towards increasing social action, or involved in the delivery of public service.
Organisations should have a strong track record of reaching and creating positive impact for carers; enthusiasm for measuring the impact of their services; and have the capacity to quickly build upon existing services.
Further information
The Centre for Social Action is a collaboration between the Cabinet Office and Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation, to support the growth of programmes that encourage people to make positive change through social action.
The fund will be administered by the Social Investment Business on behalf of the Cabinet Office.