Call for bids: Diagnostic on the Media Freedom Context in Peru
The British Embassy in Lima is seeking bids for a project that supports and improves media freedom in Peru.

The British Embassy in Lima is seeking bids for a project that supports and improves media freedom as a core pillar of inclusive, democratic governance and open societies in Peru.
1. Background
As a strong advocate for media freedom, the UK seeks to support governments, media stakeholders and civil society around the world in efforts to promote media freedom. This project aims to support this commitment to defend and support media freedom internationally, building on initiatives developed in previous years to protect values of democracy and governance in line with the Media Freedom Coalition.
In the last year, Peru has faced significant political instability. Both international and national media have raised concerns over the weakening of democratic institutions and have reported human rights abuses in the context of social protest and dissent, including concerns around attacks against journalists and media outlets. In this context, supporting media freedom initiatives in Peru is a priority for the British Embassy in Lima and aligned to its Human Rights Strategy, contributing to stability in Peru, which ranked number 110 out of 180 in the World Press Freedom Index of 2023. Challenges include a limited legal framework, low levels of media plurality, and concerns around censorship and lack of access for the media.
2. Objective and scope of work
The British Embassy in Lima is inviting bids for projects that support and improve media freedom in Peru, particularly those that aim to deliver the below objectives.
Bids should look to demonstrate their ability to deliver a diagnostic report that includes:
Research on the evidence-base relating to the state of media freedom and who exercises freedom of the press at the sub-national level (i.e presence of large media, who practices journalism, channels and sources of information). The research should consider Lima as a prioritised region; together with three or four more (suggested regions include Ayacucho, Madre de Dios, Puno, La Libertad, Ica).
Identification of the main challenges faced by journalists in the exercise of their work. Emphasis is expected to be on permanent challenges, beyond the protest situation of the last few months (i.e. journalists who investigate and report on cases of corruption in local governments and criminal organisations in their regions). This should include challenges related to media ethics. Findings should include a sub-national approach, as detailed in point a.
Clear and concrete recommendations for strengthening media freedom in Peru and guarantee the exercise of independent journalism both nationally and regionally. Recommendations should consider different kinds of actions and actors (international cooperation, civil society organisations, journalists associations, government institutions, etc.). Recommendations should consider a sub-national approach as detailed in point a.
Expected deliverables are 1) a diagnostic report no longer than 35 pages, and 2) executive summary of between 2-4 pages. These should build on previous UK initiative to strengthen media freedom, including the document Hoja de Ruta (2022) and its recommendations.
Bids should include a clear and structured methodology that will require British Embassy Lima approval prior to the disbursement of any funds. It should also include a communications plan to launch the report, including but not limited to events, social media, press releases.
3. Project Budget
Project proposals of up to £13,000 = S/59,540 / USD $15,600(including any relevant local taxes). We are looking for projects that can begin by October 2023 and be completed by the end of March 2024. Implementers should spend 100% of their allocation by mid-March 2024.
4. Assessment
Bids will be assessed against the following criteria:
- Strategic fit – alignment with stated objectives and scope of work expected;
- Project viability – including a realistic description of methodology and activities to deliver the outcome and deliverables (outputs) within the project duration and sustainability after the project ends;
- Project design – including clear achievable objectives/outputs;
- Stakeholder management – including the capacity of the implementing organisation to engage with key stakeholders, including international cooperation, civil society organisations, journalists associations and government institutions in Peru, and involve local/international expertise to deliver expected outcomes;
- Value for money;
- Approach to risk management; and
- Experience and understanding of the current media freedom context in Peru.
- Preferably with existing networks at sub-national level.
5. How to Bid
Please complete the attached by Sunday 1st October 2023 11:59pm, with “Call for bids - Media Freedom” in the subject line of your email. Bids submitted after this date will not be considered. Bids can be submitted at any time up to the indicated deadline.
and using the guidance provided. Completed forms should be sent in standard document and spreadsheet formats in English or Spanish toBidders will be notified via email of the outcome of assessments before or on 8th October 2023. Due to the volume of bids expected, we will not be able to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.
Organisations can submit a maximum of up to 3 bids. Bids for projects that include engagement with stakeholders outside of Lima are particularly welcome.
Please also familiarise yourself at an early stage with the standard ‘Grant Agreement Template’ attached.
What to Include in the Bid Form?
- Overview of project or activity.
- How it fits with the UK’s approach to the relevant priority; and why the UK should fund the project or activity.
- How the project or activity will create an impact and lead to change.
- Rationale– including why the project or activity should take place now.
- Where relevant, evidence of support from Peruvian government actors for the project. or activity and that it complements their own strategy.
- Information about how the impact will be sustained after the project or activity has been completed.
Proposals must be submitted on the authorised forms and include an activity-based budget (ABB) in soles/US dollars. Value for money is an important selection criterion and if you do not submit a detailed ABB then your proposal will not be considered.
6. Key documents
- Proposal Form for Activities / Projects between £10,000 and £80,000
- Activity Based Budget (ABB)
- Value for money and budgeting guidance
- Model Grant Agreement
7. Contacts
Please contact with any questions or queries.