Call for bids for English-language training in Yemen
The Conflict Stability and Security Fund is inviting bids by 20 February 2024 to provide English-language training for the Yemen Coast Guard and Yemen Department of Defence.

As part of the continued support the UK government has been providing to the Yemen Coast Guard (YCG), we have identified the need to provide English-language training to YCG and Department of Defence (DoD) officers.
The training aims to improve officers’ ability to participate in training and deliver security in Yemen, including building the capacity of the YCG, to ensure Yemen’s land and maritime borders are more secure.
This training is aimed to provide 30 officers selected from YCG and DoD with English language skills to enable them to better perform their duties. English language is needed for:
- clear communication with counterparts
- better national and regional security coordination
- successful job execution
- minimising risk of misunderstanding or incident when interacting with foreign crew or when communicating with foreign vessels
The training will also increase the English-language proficiency among Yemen Coastguard and selected Yemen military personnel to facilitate increased access to further UK training where effective English-language capability required.
The proposed duration for the training is 24 months for enrolling on 4 different levels, including 4 levels for the first year (beginner level) and 4 levels for the second year (intermediate level).
Assessment criteria
Bids will be assessed against the following criteria:
- bidders should be either a not-for-profit organisation, multilateral or government entity
- English-language level achieved at the end of the training (minimum of IELTS level 6)
- project impact: delivering sustainable, meaningful change and a direct impact on the living conditions of beneficiaries
- project viability: including the capacity of implementing organisation to deliver outcomes
- project design: there must be clear links between the proposed activity and the project outcomes
- risk management: robust analysis of main risks, and a plan of action to manage and mitigate those risks
- clear monitoring and evaluation procedures
- value for money: including the number of direct beneficiaries and the scale of achievable outcomes
- a strong track record of successful project delivery in Yemen
- how gender equality has been integrated into the proposal
How to apply
Organisations should email their 2 completed documents (in English) to and by 11:59pm GMT on Tuesday 20 February 2024.
Late proposals will not be considered. You should include ‘English-language training’ in the subject field.