World news story

Call for bids for International Programme Fund (IPF) in Senegal

The British Embassy in Dakar, Senegal is issuing a call for proposal for projects and activities for the 2021 to 2022 financial year.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

This news article was withdrawn on

This call for bids has closed.

The International Programme Fund (IPF) is seeking to support short- term, one-off intervention projects in Senegal, Cabo Verde and Guinea Bissau.


We are particularly interested in projects on the following thematic priorities:

Climate change, green recovery and biodiversity

Green growth: focus on renewable energy, tackling emissions, green growth in sectors such as power, transport and industry

Nature-based solutions: mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss, restoration of natural habitats and ecosystems

Adaptation and resilience: help communities to prepare for natural disasters

Open societies (media freedom)

  • create inclusive media spaces i.e. reduce discrimination against women and vulnerable groups in media. Build capacity for media professionals and regulatory bodies’ representatives on media freedom and gender sensitive reporting

  • promote and protect media pluralism and media freedom for an increase in equitable access to information. Enhance safety and security of journalists. Prevent or reduce harassment and physical assaults on journalists, media houses and media technicians

  • promote the strengthening and understanding of the laws and regulatory frameworks necessary for a free, diverse and independent media, including an increase in their alignment with international standards

Human Development (gender, public health)

  • build capacity for improving public health systems. Preference for initiatives focused on pandemic preparedness and cross-sector approaches to delivering public health (eg. outcomes recognising the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment)
  • build capacity for promoting and improving legal and regulatory reforms on issues related to women, girls and those with disabilities
  • promote and strengthen inclusion of women and girls in education and the economy. This can include initiatives relating to policy and data inclusion

Bid guidance

  1. Proposals must include a [Withdrawn]project proposal form (PPF) (ODT, 39.9 KB) and an [Withdrawn] activity based budget template (ODS, 10.4 KB) in Great British Pounds (GBP)
  2. Maximum budget limit: £10,000
  3. First phase of Activity should ideally be completed by 15 December 2021 (Preliminary report) and Second phase and Final phase by 15 March 2022
  4. The preliminary and final reports could be delivered in English or French
  5. Project proposals must have a clear purpose supported by achievable and measurable outputs (e.g. events and reports) and outcomes (i.e. what the project aims to help address through its activity)
  6. The project is expected to be carried out within the months of August 2021 and March 2022 (08 months)
  7. Projects are funded under a quarterly reimbursement scheme (against completed activities) with no expectations of continued funding beyond the agreed period

Project assessment

The proposal submissions will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • alignment with the above-mentioned priorities and outcomes
  • organisation’s specialised knowledge, expertise and experience in the field
  • they should cover the issues and proposed methodology
  • activities should be value for money (VfM) and cost-efficient
  • clear and achievable deliverables within the funding period
  • long-term impact: project benefits continue after the funding ends
  • good project design including established monitoring and evaluation procedures
  • project feasibility, including capacity of implementing organisation and ability to deliver under current circumstances
  • identifying risks and establishing mitigation strategies
  • all programmes (and the projects, interventions or events within them) must align with the Paris Agreement – an international treaty on climate change – and assess climate and environmental impact and risks, taking steps to ensure that no environmental harm is done. Any International Climate Finance (ICF) programmes must identify and record ICF spend and results
  • all projects (and policies) must consider and provide evidence on how their interventions will have an impact on gender equality, disability inclusion and other marginalised groups

Timeframe and deadlines

Date (2021) Activity
06 July Call for proposals opens
19 July (23:55 PM Dakar Time) Call for proposals closes
26 July Confirmation of shortlisted proposals
August Projects initiate

Process to apply

Proposals should be submitted by 23:55 PM (Dakar time) on 19 July 2021. Late proposals will not be considered. All documents submitted with the proposal must be in English. Ensure that the [Withdrawn]project proposal form (PPF) (ODT, 39.9 KB) and the [Withdrawn] activity based budget template (ODS, 10.4 KB) have the organisation’s name at the beginning of the file name. Example: Organisation Name_Project Proposal or Organisation Name_Activity Based Budget.

Proposals must be submitted to with the subject line “FCDO Programme Funds 2021-2022 – [Name of Organisation] – [Country]. Due to the high number of bids we receive, we are unable to provide detailed feedback to unsuccessful bids.

Please direct any queries to Only successful bids will receive a notice in due course. Selected proposals will go through a Due Diligence Assessment (DDA). The Embassy will save the right to decide whether it should maintain or reject a proposal depending on DDA outcomes.

Implementing partners will be expected to sign a standard FCDO grant agreement with the Embassy. The terms of agreement are not negotiable.

Updates to this page

Published 7 July 2021
Last updated 8 July 2021 + show all updates
  1. Added translation

  2. First published.