World news story

Call for bids open for the Latin American Prosperity Fund 14/15

Call for bids is open for the Prosperity Fund 2014/15 in Latin America

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The British Embassies in Bogota, Santiago, Lima, Panama City, San Jose and Buenos Aires are inviting you to submit a concept bid for the Latin American Prosperity Fund for the Financial Year 2014 - 2015.

Concept bidding round is now open

The Latin America Prosperity Fund aims to create the conditions for global growth, focussing on four thematic areas listed in the strategy document, however the majority of project funding will focus on the two areas of Openness and Sustainability. The Fund is designed to take forward Latin America’s economic development, utilising where possible UK know-how and competitive advantage (e.g universities, businesses, researchers).

We are seeking project proposals that focus specifically on the following areas:


Definition: Promoting transparency; national structural economic reform; and a strong, rules-based international economic system. Promoting British companies in Latin America by reducing trade barriers and bureaucracy and improving the business environment.


Definition: Promoting low carbon energy and resilient energy markets; use of science and innovation as solutions to global challenges; and solutions to more sustainable urban development. Criteria of thematic areas are included in the Programme Strategy:

How to apply for funding

The Programme Teams in each of the eligible countries are seeking project proposals for the Latin America Prosperity Fund. Please read all guidance and ensure that project proposals are designed and submitted in accordance with it. Proposals that do not meet the criteria and guidance will be rejected. The following documents are:

  1. Prosperity Programme Strategy 2014-2015

  2. How to complete Concept Bid for the Latin American Prosperity Fund for the Financial Year 2014 - 2015 (MS Word Document, 58.4 KB)

  3. Project proposal form – Concept form (MS Word Document, 49.5 KB)


  • Project proposals must contribute directly to the Programme Strategy, supporting at least one of the key areas. If there is any doubt, potential bidders can consult the programme team in one of the eligible countries to check strategic relevance of the project, before submitting concept bids.
  • At this initial stage project proposals must be submitted in the concept bid form
  • We are particularly keen to attract project proposals that have a strong element of co-funding.
  • Projects can be designed to last one (1) to two (2) years, starting in April 2014. However, funding is confirmed on a yearly basis.
  • We would expect Prosperity Fund projects to be in the ballpark of £30,000 - £50,000 plus co-funding. The budget must be presented in pounds (GBP); however, in the case that a successful bid has the project implementer in one of the eligible countries, we will pay the implementer the equivalent in local currency. This bid round will be conditioned on the Prosperity Fund’s allocation for 2014-2015. The Embassies reserve the right to slightly amend the strategy’s thematic areas, if this is the case changes will be communicated. Please check Embassy’s website or contact the Embassies to get information about the priority or thematic areas for that country.

Bidding Process

The bidding process is run in two stages: concept and full bid. Only bids approved through the concept stage will be asked to present full bids. Implementers will be advised. Deadline to submit concept bids to the Embassies’ Programme Teams is 14th February, 5:00 pm (local time in each country).


The project proposal in the bid form should be submitted in English with the title “Prosperity Fund 2014: XXX name of the implementer - XXX Country”, to both the appropriate Embassy contact listed in the strategy for where the project will take place, and cc’d to PMO Bogota:

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Published 14 January 2014