Call for evidence: An inspection of asylum casework 2023
The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration has commenced an inspection of asylum casework and invites anyone with knowledge and experience of this area to provide evidence for the inspection.

Launching the ‘call for evidence’, David Neal said:
In my 2023-24 Inspection Plan, I indicated that I would be carrying out a further inspection of ‘asylum casework’. Work on this has now begun and I am inviting anyone with relevant knowledge and experience to write to me with their evidence and views of how the system is working.
In my previous report, ‘An inspection of asylum casework’, published in November 2021, I examined the efficiency and effectiveness of the Home Office’s asylum casework system, from an asylum claim being raised, via screening interview, up to the service of an initial decision.
For this latest inspection, I would be particularly interested to hear from those with first-hand experience of the asylum process regarding:
- the efficiency and timeliness of asylum decision making
- the Home Office’s responsiveness to queries and challenges
- the quality of asylum screening interviews, substantive asylum interviews and initial asylum decisions, including for asylum seekers who have protected characteristics
- the impact of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 on the efficiency and effectiveness of asylum decision making
The precise scope of the inspection is yet to be finalised so please feel free to include any other points you consider relevant to the Home Office’s processing of asylum claims.
Please note that the inspection will not focus on the following areas:
- asylum accommodation, as this will be examined separately, as outlined in the ICIBI’s inspection programme
- age assessments, as this will be examined separately, as outlined in the ICIBI’s inspection programme
- appeals
- further submissions following an initial asylum decision
- legal aid
Please note: My statutory remit does not extend to investigating or making decisions about individual cases. This remains a Home Office responsibility. However, I am keen to hear about individual cases, insofar as they serve to illustrate particular points, issues or trends.
The information you submit may be quoted in the final inspection report, but it is the ICIBI’s practice not to name sources and to anonymise as much as possible any examples or case studies.
How to respond
Please email your submission to the Chief Inspector by 26 May 2023.
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Alternatively, or if you are using a non-compatible email client, then please send your submission to, with ‘asylum casework inspection call for evidence’ in the subject line and the following consent statement in the body of your email: “I consent to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration retaining and processing the information and data in this email.”
Please do not include this statement if you do not wish to give your consent.