News story

Call for evidence: An inspection of the handling of complaints by the Home Office’s Borders, Immigration and Citizenship System (BICS)

The Chief Inspector invites anyone with relevant knowledge and experience to write to him providing their evidence by 6 March 2019.

Complaints key on keyboard

My statutory remit includes monitoring and making recommendations for improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of the Home Office’s handling of complaints about its performance of its asylum, immigration, nationality and customs functions, and I have just begun an inspection on this topic.

I am now inviting anyone with relevant knowledge and experience to write to me by 6 March 2019 with their evidence.

How well a public body handles complaint about the service it provides, and about the conduct of its staff, is rightly regarded as a key performance measure, and has a significant impact on public perceptions of its work. Good complaint handling means being customer-focused, being open and accountable, acting fairly and proportionately, and putting things right, and I am keen to hear to whether its ‘customers’ believe the Home Office is achieving these standards.

Please note that I am not empowered to investigate individual complaints or to intervene with the Home Office on behalf of complainants. There are other avenues for this, such as the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. However, I am interested in individual cases to the extent that they illustrate or point to systemic problems.

Please email the Chief Inspector:

or write to:

5th Floor
Globe House
89 Eccleston Square
London SW1V 1PN

Please note that submissions may be cited in the final report.

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Published 20 February 2019