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Call for nominations for the 2014 Overseas Honours list

The Diplomatic Service and Overseas Honours list is open for nominations until the 24th May.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
MBE (Member of the most Excellent Order of the British Empire) insignia.

Perhaps you know someone (British or national of another country) who has done something exceptional overseas that benefits the UK, and deserves an award. Anyone can submit a nomination for an honour and anyone can be nominated.

The Diplomatic Service and Overseas (DS&O) Honours list, administered by the Foreign Office, is full of British people recognised for doing incredible work overseas in fields as diverse as peace and security, stabilisation and development, education, science, design, sport, British business, community and voluntary work.

A committee, made up of both officials and independent members, recommends who gets an honour and which type of honour. The committee’s decisions go to the Prime Minister and then to HM The Queen, who approves all awards. If you would like to make a nomination all the information you need is on the honours system page please read the guidance, complete the nomination form and send it to

Some previous award recipients

Sir Jonathan Ive, received a Knighthood in 2012, in recognition of his services to design and enterprise as lead designer at Apple Inc creating products like the iPod and iPad. Commenting on the honour Mr Ive said: “I am keenly aware that I benefit from a wonderful tradition in the UK of designing and making,” He added “I discovered at an early age that all I’ve ever wanted to do is design. To be recognized with this honour is absolutely thrilling and I am both humbled and sincerely grateful.”

Miriam Mason-Sesay MBE received her award in 2012 for her work over the last 11 years developing education in Sierra Leone after the devastation of 10 years of civil war and giving hope to hundreds of young victims of the brutal conflict.

Miriam Mason-Sesay with all the EducAid female staff launching the EducAid Now newsletter for all the girls and women

Miriam Mason-Sesay MBE with all the EducAid female staff launching the EducAid Now newsletter for all the girls and women in Siera Leone

Belinda Stewart-Cox OBE, Founder and Executive Director of the Elephant Conservation Network, received her award in 2011 for services to conservation in Thailand. Ms Stewart-Cox has spent 25 years working to conserve wildlife in Thailand. She is a leading figure in the efforts to protect the forests of west Thailand, and over the years has helped reduce their destruction threatened by a hydro-electric dam and logging concessions.

In this film by the Zoological Society of London Belinda Stewart-Cox OBE talks about the work of the Elephant Conservation Network and receiving her OBE

Belinda Stewart-Cox OBE highlights the work of the Elephant Conservation Network

Further information

Read more about the honours system

Read the nomination guidance

The honours nomination form

Find out about the types of honours and awards

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Published 10 May 2013