World news story

Calls for Proposals for Business to Business network in burma

UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) seek to work with an advisor to investigate options for setting up a Business to Business network in Burma.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

1. Request for proposal

UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) seek to work with an advisor in order to investigate options for setting up a Business to Business (B2B) network in Burma along the lines of a British Chamber of Commerce or a British Business Group. This network is intended to deliver better and more varied support services to UK companies operating / seeking to operate in Burma, than what is currently available. This network will need to have a physical and legal presence in Burma and will need to generate revenue for the services it provides to clients. The project to create this network in Burma is part of a global initiative to deliver similar services across a number of markets but before we embark on creating this network in Burma we wish to seek advice on what commercial form the network will need to take and any specific legal barriers there are to achieve this. Once we have received advice on the steps required and the potential barriers to creating and appropriate network in market we will make a decision on the next steps required and the timescales for implementation – this may or may not be to pursue the preferred option outlined in the advisers report. To this end we require a proposal from you in two stages:

In Stage 1;

The proposal should answer,

  1. In creating a new network to deliver B2B services to UK companies in Burma, what are the types of legal entities which could be used? Provide analysis on the most appropriate legal entity taking into consideration the range of services to be provided and the roles and responsibilities that UKTI expect from the network ‘the preferred option’.

  2. What are the key milestones and implementation plan for the tasks required to deliver this ‘preferred option’? This should provide a road map for creating the new entity and a practical and achievable timescale for its creation.

  3. What are the high level barriers that the network may face, both in terms of set up and delivery and how can these be mitigated?

  4. Provide a high level cost estimate for the implementation and operation of the network under the ‘preferred option’; this should include the costs associated with initially creating the entity and then the operational costs relating to staffing, premises etc.

These findings will be presented to UKTI and if the ‘preferred option’ is seen as being achievable and being capable of delivering value for money, we would proceed to implement the ‘preferred option’ and expect the advisor to undertake this work. NB. UKTI may decide not proceed to proceed to Stage 2 if the options presented are not seen as favourable.

In Stage 2;

Based on the report presented in Stage 1 UKTI will determine if it is appropriate to proceed. If it does proceed we would expect the advisor to take the necessary steps to create the entity and working with UKTI, identify and appoint members of the Board. Once the Board has been established, work with them to identify and appoint an Executive Director. Alongside this we would expect the advisor to oversee the development of a website for the group, build a contact database and take over the delivery of a monthly event for the group (at a minimum).

Report Methodology;

Any report should be compiled through a combination of comparative analysis and interviews.

We would expect;

  • Meetings with key stakeholders to address the principal issues towards strengthening the Network (not more than 6)
  • Comparative Analysis of other international business support networks. In terms of set up, governance, products / services and operating model in Burma
  • Applicable Law regarding the legal and tax regulations of Burma, the UK and relevant international bodies.

2. Structure of the Proposal

Your proposal to undertake the work should be structured in the following way:

  1. Your understanding of the key issues facing the project in Burma and how you can help UKTI to resolve these issues

  2. A description of your methodology for undertaking each of the aspects of Stage 1 and Stage 2 and the provision of a resource plan detailing how this will be undertaken, and the resource inputs from each member of your team undertaking the work

  3. A description of the credentials and CVs for each member of your team

  4. A fee proposal that reflects individual capped fees for the provision of each of Stages 1 and Stage 2 and the provision of day rates for each member of your team

  5. Confirmation that you will undertake this assignment in line with the Foreign and Commonwealth Offices’ standard terms and conditions

3. Evaluation of the proposals

Proposals will be evaluated using a consistent methodology as follows:

Criteria Weighting %
1. Understanding of the key issues [10 %]
2. Appropriateness of the Methodology and consistency with resource plan [20 %]
3. Appropriateness of the credentials of team members [20 %]
4. Cost of Stage 1 and Stage 2 [50 %]
5. Acceptance of terms and conditions Pass/fail

As described above, the aim of the study is to create the most appropriate entity to provide services to UK SMEs wanting to do business in Burma. To this end we want to receive a practically based report that will make it easy for UKTI to implement the preferred option, rather than produce an academic assessment of a plethora of options. The scores for each of the criteria above will reflect how practical the advisers proposals are.

4. Timescales

UKTI are working against tight timelines and would look to achieve the following:

Milestone Deadline
Submission of proposals 11th November 2013
Project start date 18th November 2013
Stage 1
Delivery of 1st draft 2nd December 2013
Delivery of final draft 16th December 2013
Stage 2
Legal entity established 31st January 2014
Board appointed 31st February 2014
Executive Director in place 31st March 2014

Deadline for proposals is 11th November. Please contact Lisa Weedon with any queries (

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Published 4 November 2013