Carprieve 5% w/v Small Animal Solution for Injection - Product defect recall alert
Product defect recall alert for Carprieve 5% w/v Small Animal Solution for Injection (Vm 02000/4229) by Norbrook Laboratories Ltd.

We wish to make veterinary surgeons aware that Norbrook Laboratories Ltd have initiated a Class 2 recall to veterinarian level for the product Carprieve 5% w/v Small Animal Solution for Injection. This is as a precautionary measure due to higher than usual impurities.
A health hazard assessment has been completed by the company veterinary surgeon. This concludes that any risk to animal and human health is likely to be low and no greater than expected for this product under normal conditions, as described on the product labelling. This recall is for the following batches only:
Batch Numbers:
- 0265-90
- 0302-90
- 0246-90
- 0112-90
- 0295-90
- 9053-91
- 9103-91
Norbrook Laboratories Ltd are contacting veterinary surgeons to examine inventory immediately and quarantine products subject to this recall.
For further information regarding the recall please contact Gary Mckee on +44 2830 264435 or email