CDE face-to-face meetings: 29 April 2015
An opportunity to book a meeting with the Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) in Bristol on 29 April 2015 to discuss your research idea.

We have now reached capacity for these meetings, but you are still able to apply to the waitlist, you will be notified if a space becomes available.
These 30-minute face-to-face meetings give you the opportunity to discuss your innovative research idea with CDE staff in private.

CDE funds innovative proof-of-concept research that could lead to a cost-effective capability advantage for UK armed forces and national security. This is through the enduring challenge competition or specific themed competitions.
Before you come to your meeting please prepare by thinking about the following:
- what is your research idea?
- what do you think is the military benefit? will it save time/costs, improve capability/performance/reliability? why should MOD invest in this work?
- what will your approach be? how will you structure your research?
- what will you deliver? what evidence will you produce?
- what will the impact of your research be? how will you demonstrate progress towards the claimed benefit?
The main purpose of this meeting is for you to ask questions, and most importantly, receive advice from the team, so please leave time for this during your 30 minutes.
Spaces will be on a first-come, first-served basis and an organisation should only register once.
CDE is part of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and only funds novel, high-risk, high-potential-benefit research. If your proposal is a product, you should speak to the Defence Suppliers’ Service, or see other ways of how to sell to Dstl.
Centre for Defence Enterprise
Building R103
Fermi Avenue
Harwell Oxford
OX11 0QX
Please email for the quickest response.