CDE Innovation Network event June 2014, Cardiff
The Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) is holding a networking event for science and technology providers in Cardiff on 24 June 2014.

Centre for Defence Enterprise Innovation Network event
It will take place at Cardiff City Stadium, Wales 9:30am to 5pm.
This event is being held jointly with the armour and protection (A&P) industry and academia group.
Head of Operations at CDE, Jim Pennycook, will introduce CDE and give an overview of research funding opportunities for innovative science and technology providers. View the presentation slides.
CDE will launch a themed competition on additive manufacturing for future military equipment. View the presentation slides.
This will include a presentation from the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.
In addition, Military Advisers and Programme Managers from Dstl (the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) will give an overview of some areas where innovative research ideas are sought for CDE’s ongoing enduring challenge competition:
Bruce Hardie, CDE’s Technology Manager, will talk about how to create an effective proposal for CDE funding. View the presentation slides.
The A&P industry and academia group provides an open forum between members, ranging from large defence companies to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), academia and Dstl armour specialists. There will be a number of briefings available on the day of the event:
- benefits of working with the A&P science and technology centre
- just a minute - new A&P attendees describe their company in 1 minute
- A&P coherence and development
There will be a number of guest briefings:
Working with the Welsh Government
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) - Research and Development (R&D) tax relief reduces the cost of qualifying R&D expenditure by around 25% for a SME and 8% for a large company. Get guidance from HMRC on making your claim. View the presentation slides.
Intellectual Property Office (IPO) - Intellectual Property (IP) can be your business’s most valuable asset. Businesses of all sizes can get advice from the IPO on how to maximise the value of IP, from patents, designs and trade marks to copyright and branding. View the presentation slides.
You’ll have the opportunity to pre-book a face-to-face meeting with CDE, Dstl and military experts to discuss your potential proposal to either the enduring challenge competition or the additive manufacturing themed competition.
You’ll be able to meet other potential bidders, current Dstl suppliers, CDE, Dstl and military experts, and see examples of succesful CDE projects.
About CDE
CDE funds novel, high-risk, high-potential-benefit research. We work with the broadest possible range of science and technology providers, including academia and small companies, to develop cost-effective capabilities for UK armed forces and national security.
CDE is part of Dstl.
Centre for Defence Enterprise
Building R103
Fermi Avenue
Harwell Oxford
OX11 0QX
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