CDE webinar: defence medical sciences
Online webinar for this Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) research funding competition.

You can now view the recording of this webinar. You’ll need to sign in with your name and organisation details. This link is available until Tuesday 28 October 2014.
This webinar took place on Monday 13 October 2014 from 1pm to 2pm online.
It’s an easy way for you to get more information about this competition for research funding, if you can’t make it to the main networking event on Tuesday 30 September 2014
You’ll hear a summary of the challenges and have the opportunity to submit questions to the technical experts leading this defence medical sciences themed competition
Proposals for this competition must be submitted through the CDE portal by 5pm on Thursday 13 November 2014
Technical team email:
Centre for Defence Enterprise
Building R103
Fermi Avenue
Harwell Oxford
OX11 0QX
Please email for the quickest response.