Ceremony to mark completion of Sandwich Town Tidal Defence Scheme
A ceremony and photo competition are to be held in Sandwich to celebrate the completion of the town’s new flood defence scheme.
A ceremony and photo competition are to be held in the Sandwich Guild Hall to celebrate the completion of the town’s new £21.7 million flood defence scheme, the single largest flood defence scheme in Kent for three decades.
The Sandwich Town Tidal Defence Scheme has been delivered in partnership by the Environment Agency, Pfizer and Kent County Council, and is and the first of its kind in terms of being delivered in partnership with both public and private finance.
The scheme has involved works on 16 individual reaches of the river and will reduce the risk of tidal flooding to Sandwich and Stonar Loop. It provides a 1 in 200 standard protection to 488 homes and 94 commercial properties in Sandwich, including Discovery Park.
The completion ceremony will be held on Friday 11 September at 4pm in the Guild Hall in Sandwich. There will be an exhibition of the scheme works between 4pm and 7pm and members of the project team will be about to discuss the project and answer questions.
The photo competition theme is ‘Something Old or Something New in Sandwich’ and has over 18 and under 18 age categories. First prize for each category is £100 of Amazon vouchers, and second prize is £50 of Amazon vouchers. The closing date is Tuesday 1 September 2015. The winners will be announced at the completion ceremony at 4:45pm. Entries and enquiries for more information should be sent by email to SandwichTownTidal or by post to Louise Sturgeon, Environment Agency, Orchard House, Endeavour Park, London Road, Addington, West Malling, Kent ME19 5SH.
Ian Nunn, Environment Agency Operations Manager, said:
We are delighted to be completing this scheme which provides greater protection to the people and businesses in Sandwich from tidal flooding. We look forward to seeing many of you at the completion ceremony on the 11 September.
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