Chair of Covent Garden Market Authority reappointed
Pam Alexander, OBE has been reappointed as Chair of the Covent Garden Market Authority.

This appointment is for a further three year term, taking effect from 1 February 2016. She initially took up the post in February 2013 and has been instrumental in driving forward the redevelopment of the market.
The CGMA is a statutory corporation responsible for the operation of New Covent Garden Market. It is sponsored by Defra and led by the CGMA Board, members of which are appointed by the Defra Secretary of State.
Commenting on her reappointment, Pam said:
I’m delighted to be able to continue the work we’re doing with all the market’s stakeholders to retain NCGM’s iconic status at the heart of London’s food sector and ensure the market continues to thrive, supporting local business and UK growers, creating jobs and boosting the capital’s economy.
NCGM plays a key role in the UK food supply chain and our plans are to create a new food destination to showcase the best of that UK food to Londoners and overseas visitors alike.
Lord Gardiner, Defra spokesman in the House of Lords, said:
It’s fantastic news that Pam is to continue as Chair of the CGMA. Her energy and enthusiasm have driven forward the regeneration project which will create a modern, energy efficient, 21st century market.
This will not only secure the future of the market and its traders, but benefit the local community with new housing, improved transport links and by attracting new visitors to this vibrant part of London.
The reappointment has been made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
Further information
Pam Alexander was first appointed Chair of Covent Garden Market Authority on 1 Feb 2013. She is also currently Chair of Thanet Regeneration Board and non-executive Director of Crest Nicholson, the Design Council, the Academy of Urbanism and Brighton Dome and Festival Limited. In addition she is a member of the London Mayor’s Design Advisory Group. Previously she was Chief Executive of the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA), Chair of the Peabody Trust, Chief Executive of English Heritage, deputy Chief Executive of the Housing Corporation and a senior civil servant in the Department of the Environment.
Covent Garden Market has approximately 200 businesses which employ more than 2,500 people, with an annual turnover of approximately £600m. It supplies around 40% of all fruit and vegetables in meals served outside the home in London. As landlord, the CGMA’s annual turnover is in the region of £18m, with annual profits of around £1.5m.
For more information about Covent Garden Market please visit here