Chair of the Independent Monitoring Authority appointed
The Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor has announced the appointment of Nicole Lappin to the role of Chair of the Independent Monitoring Authority.

The Independent Monitoring Authority was established under the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020. Its purposes are to monitor how public bodies implement and apply the citizens’ rights parts of the UK’s Withdrawal Agreement with the EU, and Separation Agreement with the EEA EFTA states, and to promote the adequate and effective implementation and application of those rights.
The IMA has the power to receive complaints, launch inquiries and initiate or intervene in legal proceedings. The IMA also has a duty to review the effectiveness of the legislative framework relating to citizens’ rights. In exercising its functions, the IMA must have regard to the importance of dealing with general or systemic issues in the implementation and application of citizen’ rights.
Nicole Lappin has been appointed as Chair of the IMA. The appointment will commence on 1 January 2025 for a 4-year term to run until 31 December 2028.
The recruitment of the Chair of the IMA is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments and this appointment has been made in line with the Governance Code on Public Appointments.
Nicole Lappin is an experienced Chair and collaborative leader who has demonstrated how effective governance improves the delivery of public services. Including her present role as the Northern Ireland Housing Executive Chair, Nicole has over ten years’ combined experience in leading three public sector Boards. She qualified as a Barrister in Dublin and chairs a fitness to practise committee for the Pharmaceutical Society in NI. Additionally, she developed further expertise in regulation as the Chief Charity Commissioner for NI and her experience also spans health, justice, education, and finance. She has led on changing Board governance structures and transformation of service delivery has been central to the organisations she has served.