Press release

Change of British High Commissioner to Trinidad & Tobago

Mr Tim Stew MBE has been appointed British High Commissioner to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Tim Stew MBE

Mr Tim Stew MBE has been appointed British High Commissioner to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in succession to Mr Arthur Snell, who has retired from the Diplomatic Service. Mr Stew will take up his appointment during July 2015.

Mr Stew joined the FCO in 1988 and is currently head of the FCO department leading reform and conflict policy in the Middle East & North Africa since the Arab Spring of 2011. During his career he has covered a wide range of different roles, including serving previously in the region as Deputy High Commissioner to Belize and other postings to Bosnia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt.

On his appointment as British High Commissioner to the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Mr Stew has said:

I am thrilled to be coming to Trinidad & Tobago as British High Commissioner. I am looking forward to doing all I can to deepen the strong and historic ties between our two countries, and to bring energy and experience to further our shared objectives on a broad range of issues.

Tim Stew was appointed MBE in 1996, for his contribution to British foreign policy during the conflict in Bosnia.


Full name: Tim Stew MBE
2010 – present FCO, Head, Arab Partnership Department, Middle East and North Africa Directorate
2010 – 2010 FCO, Senior Strategist, Finance Directorate
2007 – 2010 Kuwait, Deputy Head of Mission
2003 – 2006 Cairo, Head Political and Economic Team
2000 – 2003 FCO, Head of Iraq Sanctions/Humanitarian Team, Middle East and North Africa Directorate
1996 – 1999 Belize, Deputy High Commissioner
1995 – 1996 Sarajevo, Third Secretary
1991 – 1995 Riyadh, Press Officer
1989 – 1991 London & Cairo, Language training (Arabic)
1988 Joined FCO

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Published 5 January 2015