Press release

Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Bolivia

James Thornton has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

James Thornton

Mr James Thornton has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Plurinational State of Bolivia in succession to Mr Ross Denny, who is transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Thornton will take up his appointment in January 2016.

Mr Thornton joined the FCO in 1989. He has had a broad range of jobs, in London and overseas, including Latin America. He served as Head of Political Section in the British Embassy in Mexico City. He was British High Commissioner in Lusaka until August 2015.

On his appointment as Ambassador to Bolivia, Mr Thornton said:

I am delighted to be returning to Bolivia, this time as British Ambassador, having first visited the country in 1986. Bolivia is a fascinating country that has been embracing important changes under the leadership of President Morales. Its economy has grown rapidly over the last few years, bringing many benefits to its people. I look forward to working with Bolivia’s government to strengthen its political and commercial ties with the United Kingdom.


Full name James Sebastian Thornton
2012 – 2015 Lusaka, British High Commissioner
2007 – 2011 UKDel OECD, Deputy Head of Mission
2005 – 2007 FCO/DfID Sudan Unit, Deputy Head of Department
2003 – 2004 Abidjan, Deputy Head of Mission
2000 – 2003 Mexico City, Head of Political Section
1997 – 1999 FCO, Head of War Crimes Section, United Nations Department
1995 – 1996 FCO, Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department
1994 – 1995 FCO, North Africa Desk Officer, Near East and North Africa Department
1992 – 1994 Algiers, Second Secretary Political/Economic/Commercial
1991 UKMis New York
1990 – 1991 FCO, Non-Nuclear Energy Desk Officer, Environment, Science and Energy Department
1989 Joined FCO

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Published 20 February 2015
Last updated 9 September 2015 show all updates
  1. Added translation. Update dates for end of posting in Lusaka and start of posting in Bolivia

  2. First published.