Press release

Change of Her Majesty's Ambassador to Lithuania

Claire Lawrence has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Lithuania.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Claire Lawrence

Ms Claire Lawrence has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Lithuania in succession to Mr David Hunt, who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Ms Lawrence will take up her appointment during June 2015.

Ms Lawrence joined the FCO in 2000, working on European issues. She has worked on various international issues since, including a posting to the UK Representation to the EU. She has most recently served as Deputy Western Balkans Director.

On her appointment as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Lithuania, Ms Lawrence said:

I am delighted and honoured to be appointed to the role. The UK and Lithuania enjoy a strong and deep relationship, with collaboration across a range of areas and growing commercial ties. I look forward to continuing this important partnership and to leading the work of the Embassy in taking the relationship from strength to strength.


Full name Claire Lawrence
2011 – 2014 Deputy Western Balkans Director and Deputy Head of the Western Balkans & Enlargement Department
2008 – 2011 UK Permanent Representation to the EU, Brussels, First Secretary
2006 – 2008 Freetown, Senior Management Officer I
2003 – 2006 Guangzhou, Consul (Political and Economic)
2002 – 2003 Mandarin language training
2001 – 2002 FCO, Afghan Crisis Unit
2000 – 2001 FCO, Desk Officer, European Union Directorate
2000 Joined FCO

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Published 15 January 2015