Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Uruguay: Ian Duddy
Mr Ian Duddy has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Mr Ian Duddy has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in succession to Mr Ben Lyster-Binns, who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Duddy will take up his appointment during October 2016.
Curriculum vitae
Full name: Ian Duddy
2011 to present | UK Mission to the UN in Geneva, Political Counsellor & Head of Political, Human Rights & Press |
2008 to 2011 | Department of Business, Innovation & Skills, Deputy Director (International), UK Intellectual Property Office |
2007 to 2008 | FCO, Head, Afghanistan Programmes Team |
2006 to 2007 | Australia National University, Canberra, Masters Degree |
2003 to 2006 | Buenos Aires, Political & Commercial Officer |
2000 to 2003 | FCO, EU & Western Balkans Policy Officer |
2000 | Joined FCO |
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