Change4Life encourages families to make a ‘Smart Restart’ to the new school year
A major new Change4Life campaign that aims to help families introduce healthy changes to their school-time routines is launched by Public Health England.

The ‘Smart Restart’ campaign will encourage families to capitalise on the fresh start presented by the new school year as an opportunity to establish healthier habits – such as walking to school, incorporating short bursts of extra activity into the day, and making sure children eat a healthy lunch at school – in order to get parents and children moving more and eating more healthily.
‘Smart Restart’ will be backed by TV, radio and online advertising; comprehensive digital tools including a children’s website, email and text support, and a new app for the start of term; and partnership activity and public relations.
The TV adverts, made by long-term collaborator Aardman Animations, show mum ‘re-shaping’ her kids to get them ready for the new term, and dad walking them to school.
Families who sign up to the campaign will be supported through a six-week engagement and incentive programme to help them to stick to their chosen healthy change all the way through to half term.
Ann Hoskins, Director for Children, Young People and Families, Public Health England, said:
Families tell us that they sometimes slip into unhealthier habits during the summer holidays, such as spending too much time in front of the TV or computer, or indulging in too many treats.
The new school year is an opportunity for them to press the restart button and choose and sustain healthier habits for the year ahead. People are much more likely to establish a healthy new routine if they make one small change at a time – and ‘Smart Restart’ will make this simple, fun and easy to achieve.
‘Smart Restart’ is backed by a broad range of Change4Life partners, including retailers Asda and Aldi; the leisure sector’s representative body UK Active; Unilever’s low-fat spread Flora; and Disney, which is providing content for the children’s microsite and a range of free activities to reward families once their ‘Smart Restart’ changes are achieved.
Note to editors
- The 5 ‘Smart Restart’ changes families can choose from are: * stretch your legs – encouraging families to swap regular car or bus journeys for walking, scooting or cycling * 10-minute moves – incorporating extra 10 minute activities into kids’ routines to help build to the goal of at least 60 active minutes a day * screen-time switch – encouraging limiting screen time and swapping time in front of the TV, tablet or computer for something active * beat the treats – encouraging families to swap unhealthy treats for healthier alternatives * super lunches – help keep kids going through the school day with ideas for quick and tasty lunches
- More information about ‘Smart Restart’ is available on the Change4Life website.
- Public Health England’s mission is to protect and improve the nation’s health and to address inequalities through working with national and local government, the NHS, industry and the voluntary and community sector. PHE is an operationally autonomous executive agency of the Department of Health. Follow us on Twitter @PHE_uk
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Published 15 August 2013Last updated 16 August 2013 + show all updates
Updated last paragraph, before note to editors, to change 'Unilever's Flora margarine’ to 'Unilever’s low-fat spread Flora.
First published.