Changes to children’s social care in England accredited official statistics
We're making some changes to improve the data and commentary that we publish.

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the data and commentary that we publish, we will make the following changes to the children’s social care in England accredited official statistics (previously known as National Statistics).
ILACS inspection data
From August 2024, ILACS inspection data will be published as separate official statistics. The next release will be called ‘Local authority inspection outcomes as at 31 March 2024’.
Data on regulatory activity in children’s homes
From June 2024, data on regulatory activity in children’s homes and supported accommodation will be published as annual management information and commentary.
Children’s social care in England
The streamlined children’s social care in England accredited official statistics will continue to be published in July.
Data on short-break-only children’s homes
From 2024, data on short-break-only children’s homes will not be included in the children’s social care in England accredited official statistics.
Data on supported accommodation providers
From 2024, data on supported accommodation providers will be included in the children’s social care in England accredited official statistics.
We release official statistics 3 times a year and inspection data 6 monthly. Sign up for email alerts when we publish new data on social care inspections.