News story

Changes to the manual of trade marks practice

We have updated our manual of trade marks practice following user feedback.

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This news article has been withdrawn because it’s over 6 years old.

User feedback identified some errors, so we have corrected those errors and used the opportunity to make some further changes.

The most noticeable change is the document’s structure. We have divided the examination practice content into four individual parts. They are as follows:

  • part A: Introduction
  • part B: Alphabetical list of examination practice
  • part C: Notifications
  • part D: Overcoming objections

None of the revisions establishes any major changes in examination practice and procedure.

Later this year we will change the format of the Manual from a PDF format to a website-orientated format to match our Manual of Patent Practice and the Registered Designs Examination Practice Guide.

The presentation of the Trade Marks manual on the website has changed. It has now been brought into line with the Design and Patent manuals as part of the government initiative to replace all pdf versions of such documents. The new format allows for easy searching of terms, something which was not possible using the pdf version.

There are no changes to existing practice in this update, it is purely presentational.

If you have any feedback please contact the manual editor.

Updates to this page

Published 5 February 2018
Last updated 23 August 2018 + show all updates
  1. The presentation format of the Trade Marks manual has changed.

  2. First published.