World news story

Changes to the UK visa application process in Ukraine

The new visa application centre opens in Kyiv

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

From 26 February 2014 the visa application centre will move to the following address:

UK Visa Application Centre
Artem Business Centre
Hlybochyts’ka Street 4, Kyiv
Kyiv City, Ukraine, 04050

Our new commercial partner Teleperformance Ltd will take over the running of our visa application centre in Kyiv. Please note the change of opening hours: from 26 February appointments will be available at the visa application centre from 08:30 to 15:30 Monday to Friday.

We will work closely with our commercial partners to ensure continuity of service during the transition period.

Further information

Visa application centre in Ukraine

Applying for a UK visa in Ukraine

British Embassy Kyiv Facebook

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Published 13 February 2014