Channel demersal NQS FMP working group launches
The MMO and key stakeholders have set up a working group which will be at the heart of work to develop the Channel demersal non quota species Fisheries Management Plan (NQS FMP).

MMO will seek feedback and input from the group, on the species to prioritise for the first version of the FMP, its overall development and any potential management measures that could be proposed in the first version of the plan.
The group is made up of representatives from the fishing industry, local Inshore Fishermen’s Conservation Authorities (IFCA’s) and the wider supply chain.
All members are expected to seek opportunities to engage the wider commercial and recreational fishing industries and other key stakeholders to ensure a wide range of views are brought forward for consideration and discussion.
MMO is committed to making it simple for fishermen to keep up to date with the work of the group and will publish the minutes of each meeting which, to begin with, will be held online on a monthly basis.
The working group is one of a number of ways MMO is engaging with stakeholders on the future management of demersal non quota species in the Channel.
The Channel demersal NQS FMP will include ICES divisions 7d and 7e and will cover a wide range of demersal species.
Development of a plan specifically for demersal non-quota species in the Channel was highlighted by the fishing industry and other key marine stakeholders as a necessary move because of concern about potential over-exploitation of some stocks and a lack of data about non-quota stocks in general.
We encourage fishermen and interested marine stakeholders to send us their views at
You can find out more about the Government’s wider Fisheries Management Plan Programme online
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Published 20 September 2022Last updated 20 September 2022 + show all updates
First published.