News story

Charity Commission Board – Interim arrangements

Appointments to the Board of the Charity Commission for England and Wales.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

31 July 2012

Cabinet Office ministers are responsible for appointments to the Board of the Charity Commission for England and Wales. All such appointments are conducted in compliance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments’ Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments to Public Bodies under the principles of merit, fairness and openness. 

The current Charity Commission Chair, Dame Suzi Leather, is due to step down on 31 July 2012, after completing her second and final period of appointment. The recruitment of a new Chair is progressing well. The preferred candidate will be announced in due course, and is expected to appear before the Public Administration Select Committee for a pre-appointment hearing in September.

John Wood, an experienced Commission Board Member, will act as interim chair of the Charity Commission with effect from 1 August until a new chair can take up post in the autumn. Sharmila Nebhrajani and Simon Wethered have been re-appointed as board members until 31 March 2013 to provide continuity at a time of change for the Charity Commission and to enable the new chair, once appointed, to be involved in the recruitment of new board members.

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Published 31 July 2012