Charity Commission opens inquiry into poverty relief charity over financial activity
The regulator has announced an inquiry into the Centre for Skills Enhancement Limited.

The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into the Centre for Skills Enhancement Limited due to concerns that there is or has been misconduct and/or mismanagement in the charity’s administration leading to potentially significant risk to the charity’s property, beneficiaries and work.
The Christian charity was registered in 2006 and its aims are the alleviation of poverty, supporting humanitarian causes and providing basic education.
The Commission has opened the inquiry due to a number of concerns including that the charity has potentially supplied the Commission with inaccurate financial accounts, omitting details about related party transactions and possible misapplication of funds for unauthorised payments to a trustee. The regulator has also noted the charity has submitted accounts which do not comply with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP).
Due to the concerns over financial mismanagement and risk to assets, the Commission has already utilised its powers to freeze the charity’s bank account while it investigates these matters.
The regulator will also investigate whether the charity has been operating with insufficient trustees as it appears to have only one while its governing document requires three. However, since the opening of the inquiry, the charity has informed the regulator that it has appointed two new trustees.
The inquiry will examine the following regulatory issues:
The extent to which the trustees have and are complying with their legal duties in respect of the administration, governance and management of the charity, with particular regard to the management of the charity’s finances and unauthorised trustee and related party benefits.
Whether there has been any misconduct and/or mismanagement by the trustees and consider whether remedial regulatory action is necessary.
Whether the charity is accurately accounting for its funds and assets in accordance with legal requirements.
Whether the charity’s objects are being met and the charity is operating for the public benefit.
The regulator may extend the scope of the inquiry if additional regulatory issues emerge.
It is the Commission’s policy, after it has concluded an inquiry, to publish a report detailing the issues examined, any action taken, and the inquiry’s outcomes.
Notes for Editors
- The Charity Commission is the independent, non-ministerial government department that registers and regulates charities in England and Wales. Its purpose is to ensure charity can thrive and inspire trust so that people can improve lives and strengthen society.
- The Charity Commission opened the statutory inquiry into Centre For Skills Enhancement Limited under section 46 of the Charities Act 2011 on 16 June 2023.
- The Commission has today announced a separate statutory inquiry into Jesus Power House Ministries. The two charities have a trustee in common, but are separate entities.
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