Press release

Charity Commission welcomes appointment of new legal board member

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has appointed Kenneth Dibble to serve as legal board member of the Charity Commission

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The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has appointed Kenneth Dibble, currently Director of Legal Services at the Charity Commission, as the Commission’s new legal board member. Kenneth will be relinquishing his executive role prior to joining the board in March 2018.

William Shawcross, Chairman of the Charity Commission, says:

I am delighted that Kenneth will be joining the Commission’s Board as legal member next year. Kenneth has unparalleled mastery of charity law, a thorough understanding of modern regulation and extensive experience of senior executive leadership. The Commission, and the public, will benefit tremendously from his continued service. As my term of office as Chairman comes to an end, this appointment adds to my confidence that the organisation will be excellently guided in the future.

Kenneth Dibble says:

It is an honour to have been appointed to serve on the Charity Commission’s board. Charities, and by extension the Commission as their regulator, play a central role in our society. Maintaining the legal integrity of the Commission’s regulatory work is critical, and I look forward to continuing to support that element, and shaping the Commission’s future, in my new role as legal board member.

Details about the appointment and the appointment process are available from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.

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Published 21 December 2017