Chief Inspector launches a revised inspection plan.
Inspection plan for 2018-19 to 2019-20
![David Bolt](
Launching his plan David Bolt said:
An updated version of my 3-Year Inspection Plan (2017-18 – 2019-20) shows what, as at April 2018, I intend to inspect in 2018-19 and in 2019-20.
My intention in producing a rolling 3-Year Plan, first introduced in 2016, was to provide a better sense of the overall shape and range of the Inspectorate’s work programme, to show how planned inspections fitted together thematically, and to signpost when particular topics would be examined.
I still see value in having a published long-range Plan, along with the flexibility to add to or vary it as necessary. However, I will complete my 5-year appointment as Independent Chief Inspector in April 2020. Therefore, I have not included a new Year 3 (2020-21), since this will be for my successor to devise and own.
I have received a good deal of support from stakeholders for the current 3-Year Plan. I have also received ideas for inspection topics or angles that people would like to see included, for which I am grateful. For the most part, I believe these can be accommodated without any major changes to what was outlined.
The updated Plan shows what I intended to inspect in 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 as at April 2017. Alongside this, I have noted where the timing or scope has now been amended to reflect the input from stakeholders and my own assessment of current priorities and issues, informed by the 49 inspections I have completed since May 2015.
Of course, the April 2017 version of the 3-Year Plan was published before the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU. As at April 2018, it remains to be agreed how in detail this will affect the UK’s borders and immigration functions. I have therefore created space within the Plan for various ‘Brexit’-related pieces of work, the precise shape and timing of which are not yet fixed. I will announce specific inspections in the normal way via the website as soon as I am able.
Finally, the Plan assumes that the Inspectorate will be at or near full strength throughout the period. Staff turnover, which affects the Inspectorate as much as the areas it inspects, means this is not a given.
Over the next two years, we will need to continue to recruit, train and develop high-calibre and committed individuals capable of carrying out rigorous and impartial inspections and producing constructive, evidence-based reports and recommendations. If you believe that you have the necessary qualities and are interested in joining the inspectorate, please keep an eye on the website, where any vacancies will be advertised.