Press release

Christmas crackdown continues on unregistered Thames boats

Over £55,000 to be paid by 40 boat owners prosecuted this autumn/winter. 26 further Thames boat owners failed to register their vessels despite warnings

The owner of this boat was found guilty of not having a boat registration

The ongoing autumn and winter crackdown on unregistered vessels in the Thames has now resulted in 40 boaters having to pay a combined total of over £55,000 for their offences.

Whilst on river patrols, Environment Agency enforcement officers discovered the unregistered boats during spot checks at Penton Hook Marina in Surrey.

This latest inspection showed unacceptably high levels of registration evasion with a quarter of the boats in the marina - around 125 vessels - failing to have been registered. Every boat owner was traced and given ample warning and opportunity to register their boats correctly.

Staines magistrates’ court was told in the most recent round of cases that 26 owners had skipped the annual registration fee, determined by the length and width of the boat.

The highest charges were issued to Jess Rugeris, of Moseley, for their boat Le Petit II – more than £3,371 including fines, costs, compensation and victim surcharge. Full details of all fines below.

This enforcement action follows 14 boating offenders being prosecuted in October: Unregistered boats on River Thames: fines and costs total £18,000 - GOV.UK.

Colin Chiverton, environment manager at the Environment Agency in Surrey, said:

If you have an unregistered boat on the Thames, you should know that our enforcement teams remain out all winter patrolling the river, checking valid registrations and taking action against those who cheat their fellow boaters.

With our ongoing crackdown, this Christmas we urge all Thames boaters to ensure they register their vessels ahead of the new year deadline.

As our recent prosecutions clearly demonstrate, we will have no hesitation in bringing further offenders to court who avoid their obligations and responsibilities to lawful river users.

Renewal invitation letters for 2025 registrations on the River Thames were sent in November to everyone that registered their boat this year, and owners are encouraged to register early to ensure their boats are compliant by 1 January when the new season starts.

The Environment Agency’s approach to non-registration on the Thames has changed – boat owners are given ample opportunity to register their boat. However, once a summons has been issued, it won’t stop court proceedings, even if the boat owner subsequently pays their registration fee.

Similar to excise duty for road vehicles, boat registration fees allow the Environment Agency to manage and maintain more than 600 miles of inland waterways across England, keeping them open and safe for thousands of boaters to enjoy.

Boats can be registered by calling 03708 506 506 or going to River Thames: boat registration and application forms - GOV.UK (


  • Owners of powered or non-powered boats, including paddleboards, must register their boats annually with the Environment Agency for use on the non-tidal River Thames.

  • Boat registration on the Thames starts on 1 January every year. Any boats found on the water after that date, without having registered, may be liable to a fine.

  • In mid-September 2024 during a river wide census, Environment Agency officers recorded the locations of 10,890 boats on the river.

All cases were heard at Staines magistrates’ court on 26 November and 3 December 2024.

Boat Name Owner Address Plea Fine Compo Victim Surcharge Costs Total
LE PETIT II Jess RUGERIS Buckingham Ave, Molesey Guilty by post £330 £2659.20 £132 £250 £3371.20
AQUA-HOLIC XXIV Dean WARBOYS Fairway, Chertsey Guilty by post £330 £331.38 £132 £250 £1043.38
GIRAY of HARWICH Darren REEVE Antelope Ave, Grays, Essex Proof in absence £250 £218.95 £100 £275 £843.95
NATURAL MYSTIC Darren SIMPSON Elles Close, Farnborough Guilty by Post £330 £899.46 £132 £250 £1611.46
ARRIS’ERE Russell REED Princes Way, Wimbledon Proof in absence £750 £568.08 £300 £275 £1893.08
MON PLAISIR Martin WILLIAMS Walsingham Gardens, Epsom Proof in absence £500 £1183.50 £200 £275 £2158.50
HOUSE OF TRIBES Russell TROTT Worton Way, Hounslow Guilty by post £330 NIL £132 £250 £712.00
MADDISON MAY Paul SMEDLEY Sparvell Rd, Woking Guilty by post £330 £284.04 £132 £250 £996.04
SCORPIO Anthony WALKER Bridge Wharf, Chertsey Proof in absence £500 £568.08 £200 £275 £1543.08
MOONLIGHTING III Neil PLANT Shaldon Way, Walton on Thames Proof in absence £500 £449.73 £200 £250 £1399.73
VIS Mark WARD The Limes, Burwash, Etchingham Proof in absence £500 £678.59 £200 £275 £1653.59
*TROIS ETOILES  Darren WARD Tulse Hill Staines Proof in absence £500  £728.32  £200  £275 £1698.32 
*TROIS ETOILES  Darren WARD Tulse Hill Staines Proof in absence NSP  £28.67  NSP  NIL £28.67
VIEWFINDER Leslie VALLELY Kings Rd, Teddington Guilty by post £167 £546.24 £67 £250 *£1030.24
TOTALS       £5317.00 £9139.24 £2127.00 £3400.00 £19983.24

Court result summary - 3 December 2024

Boat Name Owner Of Plea Fine Compo Victim surcharge Costs Total
JOYSEE Ms Leah MACFARLANE Portway, Woking, Surrey Proof in absence £440 £378.72 £176 £275 1269.72
LADY LOU LOU Roalnd HOYLE Osbourne Avenue, Kings Langley, Herts Proof in absence £440 £1041.48 £176 £275 1932.48
STEP ON Duncan MEACOCK Staines Road, Wraysbury, Surrey Proof in absence £440 £970.47 £176 £275 1861.47
THE I SEAS Steve HILLIER Ingatestone Road, London Proof in absence £440 £1136.16 £176 £275 2027.16
OOPSIE DAISY Leslie MARSH Fordwater Rd, Chertsey Surrey Proof in absence £440 £1056.21 £176 £275 1947.21
GEM X Dwayne KENT Dyas Rd, Sunbury on Thames Proof in absence £440 £207.10 £176 £275 1098.10
BRIENDA Greg O’MAHONY Surbiton, Surrey Guilty plea £80 £766.27 £26 £250 1122.27
ATTICUS Peter MANSFIELD Church Gardens, Dorking, Surrey Proof in absence £440 £355.05 £176 £275 1246.05
BALAENA David NORTON Netley St Farnborough, Hants Guilty plea, conditional discharge   £1263.31 £26 £250 1539.31
La MAISON D’EAU Simon PITMAN Waverley Ave, Twickenham London Proof in absence £440 £482.80 £176 £275 1373.80
FIGMENT Kat LAGHAMA Deerbrook, Ashford, Surrey Guilty by post £293 £1136.16 £117 £250 1796.16
CONNIE Steven PEARCE Kingsbury Drive, Old Windsor Guilty in person £80 £449.73 £32 £250 811.73
TOTALS       £3973.00 £9243.46 £1609.00 £3200.00 £18025.46

Steven McClean of Serenity XI of Vicarage Road, Teddington pleaded not guilty and elected trial.

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Published 17 December 2024
Last updated 23 December 2024 show all updates
  1. Corrected the amount of money the boaters needed to pay.

  2. First published.