News story

Civil news: Client and Cost Management System update

National roll-out progress.

National roll-out of the Client and Cost Management System (CCMS) continues. All Tranche 1 providers now have access to the system and new groups of Tranche 2 providers are being invited to use the CCMS weekly.

The CCMS is now available to 720 providers – we publish an updated list on the CCMS website homepage each week. Although use of the system is entirely voluntary at this stage, we’re finding that more providers are opting to use the CCMS.

For instance:

  • almost 9,000 cases have been created on the system, just over 400 last week
  • over 300 applications have been issued, over 40 last week

Roll-out will continue to be gradual and voluntary – we won’t mandate the system until all providers have been invited to use the CCMS. We will provide 3 months notice of mandation.

System performance

We’ve come a long way since the pilot months of 2013. Early provider feedback enabled us to put in place performance improvements and, over the last 6 months, the system has been stable.

Speed is also good – most clicks on the system are instantaneous. Generally, up and downloading documents takes longer so we recently put in a system change to enhance speed. If you experience any speed issues, please contact our Online Support Team.

With any complex IT system, it’s necessary to make regular maintenance checks and improvements outside working hours. We’re committed to giving you at least 24-hours notice so that you can work around any scheduled system down-time.


In February, we introduced some enhancements to the system that allow users to:

  • apply for the emergency and substantive application at the same time, for delegated functions
  • copy several sections of a submitted application into a new draft application
  • receive emails, notifying you when you have outstanding notifications or actions
  • view the amount of characters remaining in large text boxes
  • submit applications and amendments without information on the employment and income of opponents/other parties
  • press a new ‘complete’ button, when you have entered all the information we need for an application

More recently, we introduced a change to the billing screens to improve system speed when users enter longer bills. Work is also concluding on a new function that will allow providers and other system users to more easily navigate the CCMS, saving you time.

Following user feedback, we’ll introduce further enhancements on an ongoing basis as part of our continuous improvement programme for CCMS. We’ll announce these from next month.

We’ll also continue to survey providers shortly after they’ve been invited to start using the system so that our information on the user experience always remains current.

Further information

CCMS website

Contacts: or if you have any queries.

Updates to this page

Published 14 August 2014