News story

Civil news: removal of eligibility calculator tool

We are withdrawing the calculator tool used by civil providers to check client financial eligibility for legal aid.

Image of calculator, pen and numbered table

Providers wishing to check client financial eligibility for legal aid are asked to use the resources on our means testing page on GOV.UK.

The civil legal aid calculator used to assist with these calculations is no longer available. Alternative resources are available to help providers.

Why is this happening now?

The calculator is a legacy tool which can no longer be updated when there are eligibility changes. The alternative resources on the means testing page provide the information you need to calculate financial eligibility.

How do clients check eligibility?

Clients will continue to have access to the legal aid checker set up for members of the public to use.

The civil legal aid calculator was never designed for client use. It was a tool specifically for legal aid providers carrying out civil work.

Further information

Civil legal aid: means testing – resources for providers

Legal aid checker – external tool for members of the public to check their eligibility

Updates to this page

Published 7 October 2021