News story

Civil news: use new checklist to help with CW1 applications

CW1 checklist and pro-formas will help you avoid cost assessment reductions.

We’ve introduced a new checklist and forms to help you with controlled work applications.

These include:

  • checklist to be completed alongside the CW1 form

  • pro-forma to send to DWP if client does not have evidence to confirm any benefits they are receiving

  • telephone pro-forma to record conversations confirming any benefits the client is receiving

Why are you doing this now?

We want to help you avoid cost assessment reductions by ensuring that all the necessary evidence is supplied within the CW1 forms.

Our checks on escape case claims show that this is not always happening.

How will the checklist and forms help?

The CW1 checklist will help you to see quickly all the information and evidence that is required at the opening of a matter start.

You can use the pro-formas to help chase up missing information and evidence.

As a result, you should be able to avoid having to spend unnecessary time on appealing decisions.

This is because we will have had all the information and evidence we need for an accurate assessment.

Further information

CW1: financial eligibility for legal aid clients – to download CW1 checklist and DWP proformas

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Published 17 July 2018