Civil/crime news: LAA annual report & accounts and DLAC report
Legal Aid Agency (LAA) annual report published alongside Director of Legal Aid Casework (DLAC) report.

The LAA annual report and accounts for 2018 to 2019 have been published at the same time as the DLAC report for the same period.
These are the sixth such reports since the Legal Aid Agency came into being in April 2013.
The LAA and the DLAC role were both created by the LASPO Act 2012. The reports document the work carried out under these functions.
LAA Chief Executive, Shaun McNally, said: “We are continuing to make important progress on our commitment to provide more efficient legal aid services.
“We have challenging targets for our core business and the latest ‘report and accounts’ shows our operational successes.”
Examples include:
processing 91% of civil legal aid applications in 20 working days
exceeding customer service and correspondence targets
paying 99% of complete accurate bills within 20 working days
Shaun said: “We will look to build on these achievements in the coming year with the aim of reporting on an equally robust performance in 2020.”