Press release

Clerk of the Parliaments

The Queen has been pleased to approve that Mr David Beamish be appointed Clerk of the Parliaments in the House of Lords.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Queen has been pleased to approve that Mr David Beamish be appointed Clerk of the Parliaments in the House of Lords in succession to Mr Michael Pownall who is retiring on 15 April 2011.

Notes for Editors

Michael Pownall has been the Clerk of the Parliaments in the House of Lords since 2007. He joined the Parliament Office in the House of Lords in 1971 and was seconded to the Civil Service Department as Private Secretary to the Leader of the House of Lords and Government Chief Whip from 1980 to 1983. His career has also included Establishment Officer (Human Resources (1983 to 1988) Principal Clerk of Private Bills (1988 to 90); Principal Clerk to the Overseas Office (1988 to 1995); Clerk of Committees (1991 to 1995); Clerk of the Journals (1995 to 1996); Reading Clerk and Principal Finance Officer (1997 to 2003) and Clerk Assistant (2003 to 2007).

David Beamish joined the House of Lords as a Clerk in 1974. He has progressed through the House becoming a Principal Clerk in 1993 and culminating in his appointment as Clerk Assistant in 2007 with responsibility for Parliamentary Services. He was crowned BBC TV Mastermind Champion in 1988.

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Published 18 January 2011